Vision Integration Method™ is a specific coaching process used to bring visualization and goal setting into one simple plan for the client. This process has been shown to accelerate results in areas of business, relationship, and health goals.
Rebeca S. Lima is the founder who trademarked the Vision Integration Method™
Visualization is the process of tying imagery to a goal or action. The Vision Integration Method™ takes the concept of visualization and brings it one step further by integrating strategic actionable plans. The strategy piece in the Vision Integration Method™ helps accelerate the manifestation process.
Absolutely. But your vision board alone does not have the power to change your life. It is up to you to take action and set clear goals for those dreams. The whole purpose behind the Vision Integration Method™ is to help individuals stay focused and take inspired action every day toward their big dreams.
You must be certified to use the Vision Integration Method trademark and curriculum.
VIM + a vision board gives you maximum potential. You are not only being reminded of your dreams and goals for yourself with your board, but using VIM congruently with it will bring those dreams to fruition with the help of a coach that will help you stay focused and accountable.
Vision boards work, when you work the board. This means that your involvement in the process and in the transformation is essential for results.
Contact Rebeca S. Lima for certification details.
VIM is integrated in all of my coaching techniques. The power of visualization married with strategy and mindset work will set a client up with a good foundational knowledge on how to self coach in other areas of their lives. The VIM process is a simple rinse and repeat process that can easily fit any life goal.
Any time you want! The most effective way to use VIM is by making it habitual and part of your every day decision making and goal setting processes.
Vision Integration Method™ Coaching
4 Keys to Stress Relief
Do you feel more stressed out than ever? Is your work life so hectic that you’re starting to burn out? Do your friends always expect you to pull them out of their jams? ⨠If you’re desperately seeking peace and relief from the hustle and bustle of your demanding life, the good news is that there are some simple strategies you can
Handle Your Anger at Home 5 Ways to DeStress and Relax
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Find Inner Peace in Chaos
Life can be truly hectic, even chaotic, if we don’t stop now and then to take a few minutes for ourselves. With the invention of computers, our work lives were supposed to get easier, but it’s gotten busier than ever before! The original mentality was that computers would allow us to get the same amount of work done in half the time.