Going to college can be a stressful time for parents and their children. It’s a time of great change, with a lot of laughs and tears. Even though your senior may be ready to go to college, it’s still going to be a big adjustment. The more prepared for college they are, the better their chances of succeeding and staying happy during their time away at school.
You’ll want to give your child the best information and support you can. Every child is different, but there are some things that every college-bound senior should know.
Remember the Importance of More Than “Book-Learning”
College is about new experiences and not all of them take place in the classroom. In order to help your high school senior be as prepared for college as possible, do all you can to ensure they’re ready for life inside and outside of the classroom.
1. Remind them that their relationships will change, no matter who they’re with.
2. Repeat that they have your support – no matter what direction life takes.
3. Equip them with knowledge about alcohol, drugs, sex, and other serious matters.
4. Provide only an agreed-upon sum of money, and only when necessary.
5. Discuss the future with real world examples, so they’re focused on success.
There is so much to a college experience today, and it’ll be different for each person. Some of that is due to differences in personality, but some of it also depends on how far away from home the college is. If a student is living at home, his college experience may be far different than a student who is hundreds or even thousands of miles away from his parents.
The influence you have over your child throughout the senior year in high school will change when they go off to college. Understand that even the best parenting doesn’t always save a child from challenges. You can prepare your child for college, but then it’s up to them.
The Value of Education in Today’s World
Education is becoming more and more valuable with each passing year. Technology is changing the way things are done and those with higher education are generally the ones who see the most success. It can be hard to get a high school senior to take the future seriously, but imparting good information is vital.
When you see your senior off to college, remember that there will be somewhat of a trial and error style of learning, at least at first. Some people are ready for college right out of high school, and some aren’t. If your child isn’t ready and doesn’t perform well, don’t despair. He can attend college at a later date and do just fine.
In short, don’t assume that your child will perform exactly the way you expect; all you can do is give the best information and support you have to offer. Keep in mind that your young adult is an individual and will have to find his or her own way. The life experienced in college and beyond is up to them!