Are you fed up with the notions of what you’re supposed to do?
We’re all taught early in life that we’re supposed to grow up and work for a company like an indentured servant for 40 years and then fade away at retirement with a company pension that barely covers the necessities of daily existence. However, people are becoming more enlightened and educated, realizing that there’s a better way. You can have a prosperous life and feel fulfilled!
“The Secret” Exposed
The incredibly popular book and movie, The Secret, has made such a powerful impact on people, but at the same time, The Secret isn’t really revealing anything new. It speaks of ancient secrets that successful people have used since the beginning of time. People within “inner circles” throughout the ages have jealously guarded this secret because they felt that if it got out, it would quickly be distorted or watered down.
But now, the increasing educational level of people has allowed the average person to learn about and use the secret law. And that law is: like attracts like. This essentially means that you have to picture yourself as wealthy and successful in order to be someone who is wealthy and successful.
* Creating a positive mindset and thinking about the positives in life is paramount to “The Secret” working.
If you can see yourself as wealthy and successful, then you can become that way Ć¢ĀĀ even if you start with nothing. Wealth and success are not matters of luck or some kind of rare talent. Success is created by habits. These habits are instilled in people through visualizing their dreams as reality.
It’s More Than a Pipe Dream…
You have to do more than just visualize your bank account overflowing with cash. You have to be willing to take action, even if only baby steps. Keeping that positive mindset always at the forefront of your thoughts will help you focus and guide you to take the correct steps to prosperity.
* If you intensely picture your life as prosperous, you’ll begin to notice opportunities arising that will lead you to newfound prosperity, such as a job promotion or a new position with a different company.
* If you intensely picture your life as being debt-free, then you’ll see opportunities to make extra money to pay off those credit cards, such as doing odd jobs for neighbors, having a yard sale, or selling unwanted items on eBay.
* If you intensely picture yourself having a healthy body, then you’ll subconsciously start to make changes to your lifestyle. Sometimes a visual reminder helps keep you motivated, so find a picture of a healthy body and give yourself permission to want that for yourself.
When you can visualize your new life and focus on what you want to do and where you want to be, you’ll attract great things to your life. On the flipside, if you hold onto negative thoughts, you will only attract more negative feelings and experiences in your life.
Give yourself permission to desire a good life and focus your mind deeply and fully. You must first believe that you deserve a good life before you can live one. That is the secret.